A muffled beep and pumping sound filled the room like a beating metronome. Something's in my mouth; I can’t breathe. Anxiety moved through my veins like a freight train. I wanted to move, but my limbs were heavy; they ignored my commands.
My head throbbed as I opened my eyes and then immediately slammed them shut as the light blinded my corneas. Finally, I managed to move my arm, and I felt a cold metal rail and clutched it in my fingers.
“She’s waking up,” I heard a woman’s voice call out. “Oh my God, she’s finally waking up.”
What’s going on? Where am I?
Immediately, my mind thought of my little girl. I slowly moved my hand from the rail and slid it gently onto my stomach. Tears formed behind my closed eyelids, trickled out of the corners, and slid down my cheeks.
Where’s my daughter? What’s happening?
Panic grew with each passing moment. I needed answers, I needed to move, and I needed whatever was in my mouth to get the hell out.
“Hello, Lizzie. I’m Dr. White. We’re going to sedate you so that we can remove the breathing tube from your mouth.”
Sedate me? Breathing tube?
Filled with fear, I opened my eyes wide to look directly at the doctor. I tried to shake my head, and I wanted to scream.
“We’re so glad to see you awake. We’ll explain everything properly as soon as we can get you situated.”
I felt like an animal trapped in a cage, and my body was the cage.
Oh, the throbbing. Please, God, make the throbbing stop.
“You have a long road to recovery, but with our help and hard work from you, you’ll pull through. You woke up. That’s a miracle, and I have no doubt you’ll be good as new.”
So many questions and not enough answers. I wasn’t even sure what I was experiencing was real.
“Lizzie, I’m Kit. I’ve been taking care of you. Relax,” she said in a soothing voice. “You’re going to fall asleep any minute now.”
Kit? Her voice sounded familiar. Did I know her? She’s been taking care of me. Where am I?
“Relax, my friend,” Kit said as she gently rubbed my arm. “I’m here for you. I’ll be here the entire time.”
My eyelids grew heavy, and I wanted to sit up and scream, but sleep took me over as I drifted out of consciousness.