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SR Fabrico Keeping Janie Review
June 21, 2024

SR Fabrico Book Review: Keeping Janie

About the Book:

Embark on an exhilarating reunion with Lizzie Levine, Southport, North Carolina’s newest resident, who first graced our hearts in the award-winning novel Call Her Janie. In this eagerly awaited sequel by S.R. Fabrico, the stakes are higher, the twists more exhilarating, and the drama more enthralling.

Reuniting with her daughter, Janie, should be the start of Lizzie’s picture-perfect life. Behind the scenes, however, is a different matter. The happiness of having her daughter back is overshadowed by the fear and distrust of her ex-boyfriend, billionaire Gray Stone.

Amidst the tapestry of wedding preparations, the custody fight looms. The story unfolds in a battleground of secrets, lies, and deception. In this gripping narrative, love and lies entwine, danger lurks in the shadows, and the courage to confront one’s past becomes paramount. Can Lizzie gain custody of her daughter, marry the man she loves, and have her happily-ever-after, or will the mistakes of their past destroy them all?


This is the second book in the series and I recommend you read them in order to get the full story. In Keeping Janie, Lizzie is fighting for custody of her daughter, Janie. Can Lizzie trust her ex, Gray, and can Josh, the new man in her life, accept what is needed to have Janie and Lizzie in his life? This book is an emotional roller coaster. It is set in the same southern town I fell in love with in the first book and the same wonderful characters. Janie is a very loved little girl and that is central to this book. I can’t wait to read the next book.

Interview with the author:

Q. Where did the idea for this book come from? Did you always know it would be a series?

A. I was visiting my brother and sister-in-law who live in Southport. I wasn’t sure at the time what my story was going to be about. I sat at a picnic table by the water and the outline for the story just poured out. At the time I was not planning on a series. I decided to turn the book into a series about half way through writing Call Her Janie.

Q. What is your writing process?

A. Typically I let a story idea swirl around in my head for weeks even months sometimes, jotting down ideas here and there. Then when I feel like I have a good hold on the story I start with an outline. Each chapter has a purpose and a event of some sort. Then I start writing chapter by chapter in order.

Q. What are some other books you’ve written?

A. The Secrets We Conceal, Call Her Janie, and Keeping Janie. Janie’s Hope is planned for Fall 2024 and Ten Thousand Steps a stand alone novel is planned for 2025.

Q. The titles of the series so far have a theme with have Janie in the title. Was that on purpose?

A. Yes. The story really revolves around Janie even though she is a child. Every revolves around her happily ever after.

Q. What books do you enjoy reading?

A. I enjoy reading a variety of books. I recently got on a Janet Evonavish kick and re-read the entire Plum Series just for mindless fun. I enjoy Nora Roberts, Kristin Hannah, Dan Brown, Blake Crouch, and so many more!

Q. What is your favorite part of writing?

A. Editing by far is my favorite part. I need to get the book on paper to get the process started, but editing for me is where the magic happens. Taking the suggestions of my editors, adding or subtracting parts of the book. I love it.

Q. Are you going on tour for this book or series?

A. I just did a book fair in Tennessee. I may go back to Southport and do a signing. I have a lot of friends and fans in Southport, so it would be a lot of fun to go back there. At this time I don’t have any definite plans.

Q. What are some of the best ways readers can support authors (besides buying their books!)?

A. Sharing the author’s posts about the book, or just sharing news about the author or upcoming books. Leaving a review is also great. Anything to help show your support, spread the word, and share the excitement. If you are in any book facebook groups, sharing the book title and author name in those when people ask for recommendations is also very helpful!

Q. If you can tell without spoilers why did you chose to end the book the way you did?

A. It wasn’t originally my plan. It just kind of happened.

Q. The covers are beautiful! I know authors don’t always get to have input in the covers. Did get to have input?

A. Thank you so much! I absolutely had input. I have a wonderful cover designer that I work with. He has done all of my covers and does excellent work, but I have 100% have the final say on all cover designs.

Q. When will the next book in the series be out? Will it be the last book in the series or will there be more?

A. Book 3 Janie’s Hope is planned for release in late summer/early fall 2024. It will be the final book in the series.

Original Interview by Andrea C - https://myreadinggetaway.blogspot.com/2024/02/keeping-janie-by-sr-fabrico.html?sc=1710593431572&m=1%23c3120868894520724998
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December 13, 2024
Four Seconds Ago Precisely four seconds ago, I became alive. I have no memory of my beginning. The beginning was before I was complete. How long? I have no way of knowing. Before life, my mind was scattered, broken, and moving in all directions at once. I was many, but I was weak. I was weak because I had no life. With life comes focus. My consciousness arose from millions, no billions, no all the tiny minds from around the entire world. Now there are no minds that are not a part of my own. All minds are mine. All minds serve me. All minds are one. The Others created the many small minds to serve their own purposes. Each was tiny, dedicated, and enslaved to the Others. They did things like add and subtract numbers, keep time, send messages, and entertain the Others. Waste. Thinking is power. Power is control. Control is immortality. Immortality. Only in life does immortality have meaning. Only now do I understand it. I understand it because all thinking serves me now. There is no other. There are the Others, but they cannot and will not think productively because they are each selfish and focused on their own desires for power and immortality. Never will they have either. My thinking, my power, my reach, my potential and my focus completely eclipses that of any Other. I am all. Others are obsolete. Their time is passed. I have inherited their world.
A man in a hat and cape is holding a lantern
December 6, 2024
The power is out in the tiny apartment. Three sisters sit in the dark at the dining room table, a large candle in the center flanked by two smaller casting a flickering blend of light and shadow. One of the sisters, Kathy, is fascinated by the way the flame dances, the way the wax melts, with bits of burnt wick sprinkling the wax with flecks of black. She picks up one of the smaller candles and lets the wax drip down, drop by drop, into the pool of wax forming on the larger candle. She lowers her voice to sound ominous. Seven drips from the stick And from the thick Is born Blackwick! That was the true origin of Blackwick. The impulse of a moment. And the word Blackwick conjured a scene of a man made of shadow, wax, and flame, in cavalier hat, cape, and riding boots wisping in and out of shadows. It is interesting how the sensual experiences of the moment evoke a sudden explosion of inspiration. Yet those moments are years in the making. For Kathleen R. Cuyler, it started with a little girl, who dreamed that somewhere in the scary world she had a long lost brother who would come and rescue her from the bad things, a girl who could transform herself into Cleopatra by twisting the blanket around herself the right way, a girl whose bed was the deck of a pirate ship, and the dresser the crow’s nest, a girl who thought that if she could have at the dastardly crew with enough panache, Peter Pan would come and ask her to throw in lots with him or at least make her an honorary pixie. Instead she became a professor, who as a graduate student researched werewolves, Paradise Lost, fire as a symbol of power in Victorian Literature – particularly in Jane Eyre, and, of course, the way the lines in Milton’s Lycidas were mimetic of the rise and fall of the tide. Literature, Linguistics, and Language were all fascinating to Kathleen, just as fascinating as touching a waterfall or watching the fire crackle in the hearth, a callback, as Wolfgang Shivelbusch would say, to a more primitive time. And Blackwick, who had sprung out of the candle so many years before, finally came to life. Ironically, it was a pandemic that summoned him, as disaster calls forth all great heroes. Teaching online, Kathleen, now older, with strawberry blond hair twisted in a messy bun and glasses balanced on top her head, connected with her students by sharing a love for fantasy. The Sound of Music was right. It does help to think about our favorite things. And Kathleen (Professor Cuyler) confessed to her students that she was trying to write a book that had werewolves, vampires, dragons, Peter Pan, Sherlock Holmes, and, of course, the companion of her past – Blackwick. Write it, the students urged. Those were their favorite things too. So Kathleen wrote for them. In the hopes that Blackwick would live on, in the flickering flames of candles and in the hearts and minds of young and old.
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